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浏览次数:1190次 更新时间:2015-10-10


2015年10月10日 讯 /生物谷BIOON/ --近日,刊登在国际杂志Molecular Cancer Research上的一项研究论文中,来自美国德州大学西南医学中心(UT Southwestern Medical Center)的科学家通过研究对KRAS引发的癌症进行了清楚的分类,KRAS是一种在癌症中频现突变的基因,该研究或为后期帮助肿瘤学家选择更为有效的专门的癌症疗法提供思路。

尽管KRAS引发的癌症突变长期以来一直是癌症研究领域的重点,但有效的靶向疗法却少之又少;Kenneth Westover博士表示,这项研究工作或许会支持一种观点,即并不是所有的致癌KRAS突变都会引发癌症,而我们开发的模型或许可以帮助对KRAS突变的癌症进行再分类,以便可以根据每一种突变来制定有效的疗法。

从更深层次来讲,本文研究可以帮助理解特定KRAS突变癌症发生的原因,比如包含KRAS G13D突变的癌症等。KRAS是RAS家族的一个主要成员,大约三分之一的人类癌症中,包括高比例的胰腺癌、肺癌、结直肠癌都是由RAS基因突变诱发的,RAS基因突变同样可以使得细胞对某些癌症疗法产生耐受。

这项研究中,研究人员评估了8个常见的KRAS突变的生化特性,包括核苷酸转换率、酶活性、和关键信号蛋白RAF激酶相关的结合活性等;研究者在不同突变中观察到了明显的差异,包括特殊突变KRAS G13D核苷酸转化的比率发生了10倍的增加等,随后研究人员确定了最常见突变的高分辨率的三维X射线晶体学结构,这获将帮助理解某些突变的生化活性。



Biochemical and Structural Analysis of Common Cancer-Associated KRAS Mutations

John C. Hunter, Anuj Manandhar, Martin A. Carrasco, Deepak Gurbani, Sudershan Gondi, and Kenneth D. Westover*

KRAS mutations are the most common genetic abnormalities in cancer, but the distribution of specific mutations across cancers and the differential responses of patients with specific KRAS mutations in therapeutic clinical trials suggest that different KRAS mutations have unique biochemical behaviors. To further explain these high-level clinical differences and to explore potential therapeutic strategies for specific KRAS isoforms, we characterized the most common KRAS mutants biochemically for substrate binding kinetics, intrinsic and GTPase-activating protein (GAP)–stimulated GTPase activities, and interactions with the RAS effector, RAF kinase. Of note, KRAS G13D shows rapid nucleotide exchange kinetics compared with other mutants analyzed. This property can be explained by changes in the electrostatic charge distribution of the active site induced by the G13D mutation as shown by X-ray crystallography. High-resolution X-ray structures are also provided for the GDP-bound forms of KRAS G12V, G12R, and Q61L and reveal additional insight. Overall, the structural data and measurements, obtained herein, indicate that measurable biochemical properties provide clues for identifying KRAS-driven tumors that preferentially signal through RAF.

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